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Mission 26

Grus's Exotic Matter (グルースのエキゾチック物質)
Grus (グルース)

  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E2: Conversation with a mysterious demon.
  • E13: Use Forma Search B and find rare forma Cornucopia (豊穣の角). Return to the lab and obtain main application Unlock E (アンロックE).
    //In order to get the above forma, ex-mission #33 needs to be cleared before hand, or the hidden door (Door E) will not open.
  • E3: Conversation with Mastema.
  • Automatically transferred back to Red Sprite.

Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Conversation with Jimenez >
    "You're ready to rock, right?" (オマエだって、やる気だよな?)
    Let's lock and load. (やる気だ)/
    We should wait and see. (少し様子を見よう)
  • Conversation with Zelenin >
    "Please, MC…" (お願いよ、主人公)
    All right. (連れて行こう)/
    Out of the question. (いやだ)
  • Whatever is chosen does not affect the story

Mission 27

Pacify Jack's Squad (ジャック部隊を鎮圧せよ)
Grus (グルース)

  • 1F: Map; hidden dimension A: Map (external link)
  • E1: Use the control point to enter the hidden dimension A.
  • E4: The door can only be opened by Lawful MC. There is a Ma Incense (魔力の香) inside.
  • E6: Conversation with Mastema >
    "Then may I ask for your answer?" (ではお二人方、如何いたしましょう?)
    Volunteer to become an angel (自分が天使になると言う)/
    Remain silent (黙っている)

If you volunteered:
*"Do you have such a steely will?
Are you truly certain?"
I'm prepared.
Never mind.

  • Conversation with Zelenin >
    "What do you think of my rebirth?" (光の力で生まれ変わったわたしの姿は…?)
    It's beautiful. (綺麗だ)/
    It's awe-inspiring. (恐れ多い感じだ)/
    No problems here. (何も問題はない)

Jack's Squad HQ (ジャック部隊基地)

Mission 26 (Continued)

Grus's Exotic Matter (グルースのエキゾチック物質)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Receive Giant's Fang (巨人の牙).
  • Receive main application Phase Shifter B (スペーススキャナB) at the lab.

Places to check back in: Map (external link), Map (external link)
Map (external link), Map (external link)

Grus (グルース)

  • 1F: hidden dimension B: Map (external link)
  • Use the control point to enter the hidden dimension B.
  • E8: The door can only be opened by Chaotic MC. There is a St Incense (魔力の香) and a Megido Stone (メギドストーン) inside.
  • E7: Conversation with the Demon Elder (悪魔の長) >
    "Sound good?" (あの人間どもを始末してくれれば、その封、解除しても良いぞ)
    Sure. (わかった)/
    I refuse. (断る)/
    Let me think. (少し、考えさせてくれ)
  • E9: Conversation with Jimenez.
  • E10: Event >
    "Zelenin is acting strange…" (ゼレーニンの様子がおかしい…。) >
    Call out to her (声をかける)/
    Watch (様子を見る)
    "What do you think of this idea?" (どうですか、この提案は?) >
    By all means, sing. (ありがとう、ぜひ歌ってくれ)/
    That won't be necessary. (悪いが、必要ない)/
    Let me think. (少し、考えさせてくれ)
  • If you return to the Red Sprite, there will be some other conversation >
    "Should we accept the demons' terms?" (グルースの悪魔たちと取引すべきだと考えますか?)
    We should. (彼らと取引するのがいい)/
    We shouldn't. (それはやめるべきだ)
    "Should we request her assistance?" (ゼレーニン中尉にグルースの悪魔の無力化を頼みますか?)
    We should. (ゼレーニンに任せよう)/
    We shouldn't. (頼むべきではない)
  • Depends on how the MC opens the seal at E11, three different routes will be unlocked. Each of the route adjusts the MC's alignment:
    Route 1: Let Zelenin sing (ゼレーニン詠唱ルート)
    Route 2: Break it by force (強行突破ルート)
    Route 3: Eliminate Jack's Squad (ジャック部隊せん滅ルート)
  • Note that this choice does not affect the ending.

Grus (グルース)

  • 1F: hidden dimension B: Map (external link)
  • E11: The seal is broken.
  • E12: Event - Commander Gore's illusion >
    "What will you do…?" (どうする……?)
    Aim at him (銃を構える)/
    Protest (反論する)/
    Watch (様子を見る)
    "Pull the trigger…?" (引き金を引きますか……?)

Yes (引く)/
No (引かない)
"Will you really… pull the trigger…?" (本当に……引き金を引きますか……?)
Yes (本当に引く)/
No (やはり引かない)

  • B1F: Map (external link)
  • B1F: 2 -> 4 -> 7 -> stair 4
  • B2F: 25 -> stair 8
  • B3F maze directions: south, south, south, west, west, north, east, north, north, west, south -> stair 9
  • B2F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Use Forma Search B to find rare forma Remedium (リメディウム). Take this back to the lab and obtain main application Unlock C (アンロックC).
  • B3F: Map (external link)
  • Automatically transferred back to Red Sprite.
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