Table of Contents
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Talk to Captain Gore >
Shake hands(握手に応じる)/
Refuse to shake hands(握手を拒否する) - Talk to Zelenin >
Introduce yourself and shake hand?
No(いいえ) - During the briefing, answer the six questions and determine your growth type.
- Talk to Jeminez and his riot police crew (機動班).
- Talk to Zelenin in the commander room >
Do you think there are living things? (主人公は知的生命体がいると思う?) >
No idea(よくわからない) - Talk to the surveying crew (観測班) in the commander room.
- Head to the clinic (医療室) and laboratory (ラボ) for event scenes.
- Talk to the mechanical crew (動力班) >
You look more than capable, don't you? (なかなか余裕があるんだな?) >
I am just getting trained (訓練を受けている)/
I pray to calm myself down (祈りで心を鎮める)/
I am not afraid of death (死を恐れてはいない)
Mission 01
Rescue the mechanical crew (動力班クルーの救助)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Defeat two slimes (外道スライム) at the loading deck (降車デッキ). They only have HP29, don't hit too hard. :)
Mission 02
Head to the clinic for rescue (医療室へ救助に向かえ)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Obtain five medicine (回復薬) from Chen (チェン) at the lab.
- Head to the clinic and defect another two slimes.
Mission 03
Rescue the lost crew (行方不明のクルーを救助せよ)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Obtain another 10 medicine from Chen.
- Head to Antoria (アントリア) through exiting the loading deck.
Antoria (アントリア)
- 1F: Map (external link)
- E1: Battle with Pixie (妖精ピクシー) and ???.
You may be able to recruit Pixie into the team. - E2: Battle with slime (外道スライム) and Knocker (地霊ノッカー).
In this battle you'll learn about Devil COOP. Use fire attacks to trigger it. - E3: Rescue Irvin (アーヴィン) >
Irvin will start selling recovery medicine. - E4: Battle with slime (外道スライム) and Knocker (地霊ノッカー) and rescue McCreary (マクリアリー).
- E5: Rescue Muccino (ムッチーノ).
- E6: Rescue Meiby (メイビー)
- Return to Red Sprite.
Side note
- In this mission, you can enjoy free recovery at the clinic.
- Knocker may also join your team, the conversation event is not solely for Pixie only.
Mission 04
Rescue teammate Jiminez (ヒメネス隊員を救助せよ)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Talk to Katou (カトー) >
Should I have stopped this from happening? (やはり僕は止めるべきなのだろうか?) >
Military rules are absolute. (軍規は絶対だ)/
Well… there can be exception. (例外もある)
Antoria (アントリア)
- 1F: Map (external link)
- E6: Destroy the wall with dynamite.
- E7: Battle with Orias 堕天使オリアス (tip: Use fire attack such as Fire Shell (火炎弾) to trigger Devil COOP)
- Obtain Remegetonaito (レメゲトナイト).
- Automatically return to Red Sprite
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Conversation with Jimenez >
Continue the mission. (任務を続行する)/
Retreat. (脱出する)
Mission 05
Repairing the engine reactor (エンジン・リアクターの復旧)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Talk to Zoe (ゾイ) in the clinic >
Should continue the mission. (任務を続行すべき)/
Should retreat. (脱出するべき)
Antoria (アントリア)
- 1F: Map (external link)
- E8: Investigate the mechanical part (動力部を探す) >
Obtain Tokamak Generator (トカマク型起電機) and Verne's Terminal (ヴェルヌの端末). - Return to Red Sprite
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- With the special items now the lab can start customizing the DEMONICA suit.
- Obtain main application (メインアプリ) Forma Search A (フォルマサーチA).
Mission 06
Collect the rare forma (珍しいフォルマを採集せよ)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Talk to Chen (チェン) at the lab.
Antoria (アントリア)
- 1F Map (external link)
- E9: Collect rare forma Feather Lock (フェザーロック)
- Notice that this item and other formas on this floor may be randomly assigned. E9 above is just one of the possible outcomes.
- Return to Red Sprite
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Obtain main application (メインアプリ) Unlock A (アンロックA).
- With the other formas you found in the dungeon, you may also use the new sub application (サブアプリ) development service now.
Mission 07
Investigate a special source of energy (特殊なエネルギー反応の調査)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- You may perform demon fusion now.
- Talk to Jimenez > "MC, with fusion ability maybe I can easily put up with the demons?" (主人公、合体機能で悪魔と楽しくやれそうだな?) >
I thought so, too. (自分もそうだ)/
It's necessary, I need to use it. (必要なので使いはする)/
Should only use demons' help cautiously. (悪魔の扱いは慎重になるべき)
Antoria (アントリア)
- B1F: Map (external link)
- E1: Ex-mission #1
- E2&: Conversation with Jimenez >
"Am I becoming strange?" (俺は、おかしくなっちまったのか?) >
I think so. (そうだ)/
No, I also witnessed what battle fields look like. (ちがう、自分にも戦場が見える) - E3: Conversation with the Riot Police crew (機動班)
- E1: Conversation with the Riot Police crew (機動班)
- B2F: Map (external link)
- E1: Ex-mission #2.
- E2: Battle with Oni (妖鬼オニ).
- E3: Battle with Melchom (堕天使メルコム) and Oni (妖鬼オニ).
- E4: Battle with Oni (妖鬼オニ), Kaso (魔獣カソ), and 2 Pixies (妖精ピクシー×2).
- In front of E5: The password system of the Demon Compendium is unlocked.
- E5: Talk to Morax (モラクス) >
"Aren't demons the good ones?" 悪魔の方が善き者ではないか? >
You've got a point (おまえにも一理ある)/
Human beings are the right ones (人間の方が正しい)/
Both demons and human beings are wrong. (悪魔も人間も間違いだ)
- E7: Battle with Morax (モラクス) (tip: Morax uses Geenna (ゲヘナ) which inflict fear status. Feared demons may either skip attacking or return to the COMP. Morax reflects fire and is weak against ice. Having a Hathor in your party will help since she can use Media.)
- Morax fusion is unlocked.
- Obtain Demon's Horn (魔王の真鍮牛角) and Mysterious Energy (謎のエネルギー体).
- Return to Red Sprite.
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Obtain Beacon-type Monitor (ビーコン式観測機).
Mission 08
Surveying mission at Boötes (ボーティーズで機器観測を行え)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- You may not carry up to 10 demons.
Boötes (ボーティーズ)
- 1F: Map (external link)
- E1: Ex-mission #4.
- E2: Launch the Beacon-type Monitor.
- E3: Ex-mission #5.
- E4: Talk to the three Dis (ディース) and initiate Ex-mission #6.
- E4: Launch the Beacon-type Monitor.
- Return to Red Sprite.
Side event
Antoria (アントリア)
- B1F: Map (external link)
- E10: Ex-mission #3 is initiated here
Missions 09 & 10
Confirm the source of the SOS signal (救難信号の発信源の確認) &
Search for the escaped teammate Norris (逃亡したノリス隊員の捜索)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)
- Hand over the item Jade of Kaiji (開示の勾玉) and obtain a main application Gate Search A (ゲートサーチA).
- Talk to Dent (デント) at the loading deck and initiate Ex-mission #7.
Boötes (ボーティーズ)
- 1F: Map (external link)
- E7: Conversation with Norris (ノリス) >
Toughen up! (気をしっかり持て)/
Go to the clinic now! (すぐに医務室へ行け) - E8: Conversation with Norris, Main Mission 10 is initiated here.
- 2F: Map (external link)
- Choose "turn quickly" (急がば回れ) to avoid the pitfall, proceed.
- 3F: Map (external link)
- Event >
Freeze up (ジッとしている)/
Look around (辺りを見回す) >
Automatically transferred to 4F(S2)
- 4F: Map (external link)
- E1: Conversation with Zelenin >
Main mission 9 completed. - E2: Conversation with demons.
- E3: Investigate the wall (壁を調べる) and then have a conversation event.
- E1: Conversation with Zelenin >
Automatically transferred to 8F(S3)
- 8F: Map (external link)
- E1: Conversation with Mithras (ミトラス) >
"Would be nice if you tell me your name." (名乗るが良い) >
Tell Mithras your name (名乗る)/
Ignore Mithras (無視する)
"How did human beings become the owner of the world?" (ニンゲンはなぜ、地球の主となった?) >
No idea (わからない)/
It's the will of god (神の導き)/
Intelligence and wisdom (知恵の力)/
Well evolved body (体が進化した)
- Obtain the Seed of Happiness (快楽の杯種)
"Tell me, yours? Or your friends'?" (言うてみよ、自分か?仲魔か?) >
Mine (自分)/
Firend's (仲間)/
Both (どちらも)
- Automatically transferred back to Red Sprite.