Missions 11 to 20

Mission 11

Rescue Zelenin (ゼレーニン隊員の救出)
Boötes (ボーティーズ)

  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E9: Give Jiminez the Seed of Happiness (快楽の杯種).
  • There will be no random encounter in the palace due to the diversionary tactic (陽動作戦).
  • 2F: Map (external link)
  • 3F: Map (external link)
  • 4F: Map (external link)
  • E4: After the event, go to S4.
  • Investigate the dead bodies in the corners of the room.
  • S3: Invent with Norris (ノリス) <
    "What would you do?" どうする? >
    Approach and help (近寄って助ける)/
    Hold on and watch (様子を見る)
  • If you chose to approach and help, the whole team will take 20 damage.
  • Main mission 10 is completed.
  • E1: Conversation with Zelenin.
  • S2: Conversation with Mansemat.
  • E5: After the event, jump into the hole and head to S5 on 3F.
  • Return to Red Sprite

Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Obtain main application Enemy Search A (エネミーサーチA)

Mission 12

Retrieve the Rosetta of Boötes (ボーティーズのロゼッタ入手)
Boötes (ボーティーズ)

  • E8: Press the switch and initiate the elevator on 1F.
  • (If you descend from 4F to 3F through stairs and head up to E2 at a full moon, you can talk to Hariti (ハリティ) and start ex-mission #8.)
  • 1F or 3F: take the elevator up to 4F
  • E9: Event with Jiminez.
  • E10: Battle event
  • Conversation with the demon >
    Talk to it (話しかける)/
    Finish it (とどめをさす)/
    Ignore it and leave (放って立ち去る)
  • If you choose to talk, the demon Bacaboo (バカブー) will become Jiminez's partner.
  • 7F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Press the switch and initiate another elevator (Ev2). Use Ev2 to climb up to the other section of 7F, scan the hidden door, and head up to 8F.
  • (If you decide to take a ex-mission, you may take Ev2 up to 8F, and talk to Halpas (ハルパス) to initiate ex-mission #9.
  • Return to Red Sprite.

Missions 13 & 14

Retrieve the Graviton Transmitter of the Elves (エルブス号の重力子通信機回収)
A demon requested by Angel Mansemat(天使マンセットが要求する悪魔)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • You can now carry up to 12 demons.
  • Carry out a conversation at the loading deck (降車デッキ) to initiate ex-missions #10 and #11.

Carina (カリーナ)

  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Conversation with Mansemat (マンセット) >
    "It seems you no longer considered me the same as the demons around here, right?"(私が、ここの悪魔どもとは違う者だと認めてはもらえてるでしょうかね?) >
    You look like trust worthy (あなたは頼りにできる)/
    You seem different than other demons (悪魔とは違うようだ)/
    Well, I would go that far to assume so. (まだそういうわけには)
  • B1F: Map (external link)
  • Pass through the dark zone.
  • E1: Conversation with Jack Frost (ジャックフロスト) > Initiate ex-mission 13.
  • E2: Event with Orcus (オーカス) > Damage to the whole team.
    "Would you leave this place?" (この場を去りますか) >
    Yes (はい)/
    No (いいえ)
  • If you choose no, the whole team will take some damage.
  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Conversation with Mansemat (マンセット) >
    "Would you accept my help with defeating Orcus?" (オーカス退治の協力を受けますか?) >
    Accept. (受ける)/
    Not accept. (受けない)/
    * Mission 14 initiated.
  • 4: Talk to the riot police crew and gather two passwords:
    • てんにょとてんしみわくのこらぼれーしょん
    • まじゅうとりゅうおうきんだんのひじゅつ
  • Input those two demons and you may summon Hathor and Kakuen (LV11女神ハトホル, and LV10妖獣カクエン).
  • E1 Conversation with Mansemat, hand over the two demons Hathor and Kakuen.
  • Obtain item Shiborute (シボルテ).
  • Mission 14 cleared.
  • Head back to Red Sprite and synthesize a Orcus Buster (オーカスバスター).
  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Fire Orcus Buster at Orcus again, he will escape.
  • Obtain Chakra Pot (チャクラポット), Sacrifice (サクリファイス), and rare forma Finedite (ファインダイト).
  • Head back to Red Sprite and obtain a main application Unlock B (アンロックB).
  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • Open the door with Unlock B and climb up the stairs at the north-east section up to the 2F.
  • 2F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Fire Orcus Buster at Orcus, he will escape.
  • Obtain Beat Chain (宝玉輪) and Vi Incense (体力の香).
  • E2: Fire Orcus Buster at Orcus, he will escape.
  • Obtain Graver Communicator (グレーバー通信機).
  • Automatically transferred back to Red Sprite.

Mission 15

Retrieve the Rosetta of Carina (カリーナのロゼッタ入手)

Carina (カリーナ)

  • Return to Red Sprite;obtain and main application Space Scan A (スペーススキャナA).
    • With Space Scan A you can now access the hidden dimension (隠れ場) at the control point (管制ポイント).
  • 4F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Conversation with Orcus >
    * "How do human being with with over production?" (ニンゲンは多過ぎる産物をどうするのだ?)
    Human beings can learn how to suppress that. (人は抑制できるようになる)/
    Human beings can produce based on the needs. (必要があって作られたものだ)/
    There are destructive forces, even among human beings. (壊す力も人間にはある)
  • Automatically transferred back to Red Sprite.

Missions 16 & 17

Retrieve the Rosetta of Delphinus (デルファイナスのロゼッタ入手)
Investigate the loss of Captain Gore's remains (ゴア隊長遺体紛失の調査)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Event at the clinic > Mission 17 initiated
  • Conversation at the loading deck > Ex-missions 17 & 18 initiated

Delphinus (デルファイナス)

  • 2F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Conversation with Zelenin >
    "Please! Would you come help?" (お願い!助けに来てくれない?) >
    Got it. (わかった)/
    Go fix it yourself. (自分で解決しろ)
  • E2: Conversation with Zelenin >
    Battle with 2 Nue and 2 Ghoul (妖獣ヌエ×2 & 幽鬼グール×2)
  • 3F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Conversation with Zelenin >
    "Right and left, which way would you choose?" (右と左、あなたはどっちに行く?) >
    I'll head to my right hand side. (自分から見て右にする) > E2/
    I'll head to my left hand side. (自分から見て左にする) > E3
  • At this point the player cannot pass through E5.
  • E4: Receive item Jade of Michiyuki 道行の勾玉 from Zelenin.
  • Battle event with Jimenez.
  • Automatically transferred back to Red Sprite.

Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Conversation with Zelenin >
    "MC, did you recall anything when you saw that happened?" (主人公、この異常を見て思い出すことはない?) >
    Yeah, I did. (思い当たる所がある)/
    No, what about that? (何を?)

    "Speaking about that… it's that place we visited before…" (それってあの場所のことよね) >
    When we were in Antoria (アントリアだ)/
    When we were in Boötes . (ボーティーズだ)/
    When we were in Carina. (カリーナだ)

Mission 18

Develop a therapy for Delphinus Syndromes (デルファイナス奇症の治療法開発)
Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Receive main application Gate Search B (ゲートサーチB)

Boötes (ボーティーズ)

  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E15: Conversation with Mansemat >
    "Science with demons, how do you handle this great power?" (科学に悪魔、大きな力の扱いは…?)
    It's fine if we use it carefully. (気を付けて使えば問題ない)/
    I was left no choice but to use it. (仕方なく使ってるだけだ)/
    It's none of your concern. (あなたに関知されたくない)
  • 8F: Map (external link)
    • Take Ev1 from 1F to 5F; then take Ev2 to 8F
  • E3: Event, then obtain item Stone of Berserkers (狂者の石)

Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Obtain MK Treatment Machine (MK型治療器) at the lab.
  • Head to the clinic and cure the sick members.

Mission 19

Treat the members with Delphinus Syndromes (デルファイナス奇症の隊員を治療)
Delphinus (デルファイナス)

  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Cure the members and receive a Demonica Cord (デモニカコード) from them.
  • E2: Conversation with Kresnik (クルースニク) >
    "Are we going to see a peaceful era?" (今は平和な時代を迎えていますか?) >
    There is not that much of a difference. (たいして変わらない)/
    It's just a cruel world described differently. (別の意味でひどい時代だ)/
    We are working to recover the peace. (平和を取り戻すために活動している)
  • E2: Ex-mission #23 initiated.
  • E3: Conversation with Kudlak (クドラク) > Ex-mission #24 initiated.
  • After clearing Ex-missions #23 and #24, there will be an event at E4.
  • 2F: Map (external link)
  • E3: Cure the members and receive a Soma Droplet (ソーマの雫) from them.

Missions 16 & 17 (Continued)

Retrieve the Rosetta of Delphinus (デルファイナスのロゼッタ入手)
Investigate the loss of Captain Gore's remains (ゴア隊長遺体紛失の調査)

Delphinus (デルファイナス)

  • Main mission #17 completed.
  • E6: Conversation with McLain (マクレイン) > Ex-mission #28 initiated.
  • 4F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Obtain rare forma Stone of Keisetsu (蛍雪石).
  • Return to Red Sprite and talk to the lab technician > Receive main application Dark Scan A (ダークスキャナA. With this application, the player can see the map in dark zones.
  • 7F: Map (external link)
  • E1, E2: Use the switches to reverse the motions of the moving floors in order to proceed.
  • E3: Battle with Shapeless x 2 (Wk: Wind)
  • E4: Battle with Shapeless x 2 (Wk: Fire)
  • 8F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Battle with Shapeless x 2
  • E2: Battle with Shapeless x 2
  • E3: Battle with Shapeless x 2
  • After about 4 battles with the Shapeless, their reaction will disappear. In addition, the boss on 4F will appear.
  • 4F: Map (external link)
  • Conversation with Asura (アスラ). >
    "Can't you see the deterioration of human souls?" (人間の霊が衰えゆくのを見逃すのか?) >
    That's just an unreal accusation. (有りもしない言いがかりだ)/
    Demons are the reason. (悪魔がその原因だ)/
    They will soon reincarnate. (すでに再生を始めている)
  • Return to Red Sprite.

Red Sprite (レッドスプライト号)

  • Conversation with Zelenin >
    "Decided to go back to the ground without any worries?" (心おきなく地上へ戻れそう?)
    Certainly, I would love to return as soon as possible (そうだ、早く戻りたい)/
    I am still caught on something… (引っ掛かるところはある)/
    Well, it's not like that we can just escape from here. (脱出できると決まった訳じゃない)

Mission 20

Search for the "Vanishing Point" (バニシング・ポイントを発見せよ)

Eridanus (エリダヌス)

  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E2: Conversation with Zelenin. >
    There is (ある)/
    There isn't (ない)
  • E3: Obtain rare forma Goetyite (ゴエティアイト).
  • Return to the laboratory and obtain main application Forma Search B (フォルマサーチB)
    • There are some floors here that cause poison and sleep status. Develop sub-application like Nurse (ナース) and Medic (メディック) to reduce the negative effects.
  • E4: Event with Jiminez. >
    "Wake him up?" (起こしますか?) >
    Shake him to wake him up (ゆすって起こす)/
    Not wake him up (起こさない)
    "Beat him to wake him up?" (殴って起こしますか?)
    Yes (はい)/
    No (いいえ)
    "Kick him to wake him up?" (蹴り飛ばして起こしますか?)
    Yes (はい)/
    No (いいえ)
    Obtain 5 Patra Stone (パトラストーン).
  • 2F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Conversation with Ame no Uzume (アメノウズメ) > Ex-mission #33 initiated.
  • Enter the hidden dimension (map) through the control point.
  • E2: Use the application Forma Search B to locate the rare forma Endochronic Asteria (吸時性アステリア).
  • 1F: Map (external link)
  • E5: Wake up the sleeping teammates and receive 5 Dis-Poison (ディスポイズン).
  • E2: Use the Endochronic Asteria to start the teleportation device, proceed.
  • At this time, the area beyond E6 is not accessible.
  • 3F: Map (external link)
  • E1: Conversation with Zouchou (ゾウチョウテン) > Ex-mission #36 initiated.
  • E2: Conversation with Kazphiel (カズフェル) > Ex-mission #37 initiated.
  • Take the elevator to climb to the top.
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